SQI ICT Consultants has
More so, as a result of the technological disruption and continuous shift in organizational culture in the 21st century, chiefly the shift of focus from certification to functional skills, we launched out to bridge the gap of emerging youth unemployment by providing a capacity to the teeming workforce.
Another major achievement we have recorded is in getting the license to operate as a college of ICT that awards diploma certificates. This was done to better equip our trainees to be able to work both with government parastatals and private organizations- giving industry-standard skills, a professional certificate as well as academic degrees.
As an organization, we have continued to beat our own records by delivering quality and sustainable services to our clients.
Some of our notable milestone achievements from 2008 till date are:
Launching of Edozzier, A complete school management system which currently has over 4000 users and currently being used by both secondary schools and higher institutions.
Annual Scholarship
SQI ICT Annual Scholarship which reduces the cost of training interested persons in ICT programmes while some enjoy all expense paid scholarship to study.
We became a technological partner with Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary, Ogbomoso.
New branch
A new service branch was opened.
We became a technological partner with Baptist College of Theology, Oyo.
We launched Edozzier Hospital. A complete hospital management software.
College of ICT
SQI evolved into a full-fledged College of ICT.
These are just a few of the achievements SQI has recorded in its ten years of existence.
Keynote Speech:
“Bridging the gap between the Industry and Academia in Tech”
Day 1
- Seminar
- Software Exhibition
- Interactive Session with Parents
Day 2
- Inauguration of Alumni Body
- Matriculation of Students
- Graduation ceremony
- Launching of Software